larigira.filters package


larigira.filters.basic module


get track duration in seconds

larigira.filters.basic.maxwait(songs, context, conf)[source]
larigira.filters.basic.percentwait(songs, context, conf, getdur=<function get_duration>)[source]

Similar to maxwait, but the maximum waiting time is proportional to the duration of the audio we’re going to add.

This filter observe the EF_MAXWAIT_PERC variable. The variable must be an integer representing the percentual. If the variable is 0 or unset, the filter will not run.

For example, if the currently playing track still has 1 minute to go and we are adding a jingle of 40seconds, then if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==200 the audio will be added (40s*200% = 1m20s) while if EF_MAXWAIT_PERC==100 it will be filtered out.

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